With Christmas well and truly over we’re back to business with coaches Corner. Issue 7 is time to investigate into one of our senior coaches.
A hard working, tidy and witty person who prides himself on many things that are hard earned. He looks afye
Q: What car do you drive? Do you like it?
Andy: A Gildo mk4 turbo ( AKA the JAAAAAAGGGGG) and yes love it, always liked cars as my Dad was a chauffeur and drove lots of VIP’s including the royal family so been into cars since I can remember.I love cleaning and looking after my cars to the extent that I am a bit obsessive with the cleaning etc ?
Q: Apart from kickboxing what other sports are you into?
Andy: I played Cricket to a high level, was quite a quick bowler best bowling figures 8 – 15 runs which was pretty good ? I played for Shirehampton for many years before my knee injury, for those who don’t know I’ve had 9 ops on my left knee which sometimes effects my Martial Arts although with Andy C’s help I’ve made it a lot stronger than it was.
Q: What’s your role within EPiC?
Andy: Senior Coach and also Head Coach of the Sparring Academy, absolutely love my roles within Epic as so rewarding to see the progress of the students
Q: Who has the best sense of humour in EPiC, besides yourself?
Andy: has to be Steve Cruse, he’s a legend, although the Banter between the Senior coaches always has me in stitches especially on the road trips
Q: What’s the best thing about teaching, the one very best thing?
Andy: Can only be the students progress and seeing them achieve their goals, I’ve coached most of the Epic Squad in some capacity and some of our senior fighters started in my classes all those years ago ? there is still no better reward than seeing them achieve great things.
Q: What is your single most proudest moment as a coach?
Andy: Gradings and competitions, handing the belts and score to the students, gets me a little emotional if I’m honest
Q: What styles of martial art do you teach and train in?
Andy: Lau Gar Kung Fu and also did Wado Ryu Karate during my teens.
Q: What size feet do you have and what’s your preferred footwear: Slippers/Shoes/sandals/trainers/bare foot?
Andy: Unlike one senior coach I have big feet, lol I’m size 10, love wearing slippers, Im lucky enough to work from home a lot so can wear slippers all day long if I like, I love bath bombs also ?
Q: What are your goals for the next 12 months?
Andy: a good question and the answer is to fight once more in the old buggers categories if at all possible, as I mentioned I stoped fighting on the circuit after my last big knee op, it knocked a huge amount of confidence from me to have the trust to push it to the limits needed to fight on the circuit,as a result I rarely push myself to my ability when sparring as scared of another injury, plus I’ve lost a little of my ability to use my left leg re kicking although Im working on that,a lot of it is mind set so with Any C;s help thats my goal for 2017 if possible
Q: Who’s got the worst haircut in EPIC?
Andy: Me although there are others I could mention but that just starts a war
Q: Final Question, If you were to be dropped into the middle of the Sahara desert with just ONE item (other than clothes) what would it be?
Andy: ah easy one sun tan lotion, Gildo loves a sun tan