Welcome to week 6’s edition of Coaches Corner. The previous 5 weeks have indeed been entertaining and numerous.
Last week we spoke to our lovely Liv Davies but this week we have picked on someone a little older. That’s correct this person has been around the circuit in many disciplines, no it’s not Andy Cleeves’ turn yet.
This man is a genuinely top person and is one of the best sparring partners anyone could ask for. He’s fought on TV, he was a world champion- twice and he also is EPiC’s head ring sports coach.
Yes of course it’s Gio ‘The Jackal’ Marchese!

Q: Your nickname is Jackal, why is that?
Gio: Well when I was a kid doing learning TaeKwonDo my instructor used to refer to me as a little Jack Russell as I was a yappy little thing full of energy always jumping around snapping at heels. As I got older & started fighting on shows a fellow Kickboxer who was watching said my style was less like a Jack Russell & more like a wild Jackal & it just stuck from there.

Q: If Italy and England were to play in a football match, who would you support?
Gio: Well fortunately for me England always go out early so I end up supporting Italy as they are so much better but when they play head to head my passion is still English football so I do lean towards England.
Q: You have achieved many great things in your martial arts career so far, what’s been the standout ONE best moment for you?
Gio: Without a doubt winning my first World Championship Gold in Continuous Kickboxing. I had made it to the final 3 World championships in a row, in Spain, Scotland & Germany & unfortunately I lost all 3 of those finals against the same German fighter. A very tough well known experienced guy called Guido Rodel. As we were both seeded in the category the only way we could meet was in the final & sure enough in 2012 in Florida USA at the Hilton at Universal Studios we met for the 4th time & this time my arm was to be lifted for Gold. The whole England team went nuts, that was a day I will never forget.

Q: What is your favourite type of food?
Gio: Pepperoni Pizza (How Italian!)
Q: If you had to live in the big brother house and could only take 3 other people who would they be and why? (You’re not allowed to choose family)
Gio: Conor McGregor so we could train & spar.
Gordon Ramsey for the good cooking.
Lee Evans for the entertainment.
Besides my family there are 3 things I love the most which are training/fighting, Good food & laughter.
With these 3 guys I’m covered & they all have cracking banter so never a dull moment. If Chef Ramsey gets to mouthy Conor can sort him out lol.
Q: What age did you start training martial arts and what style?
Gio: I started training at 9 years old & the style was Tae Kwon-Do which is a South Korean martial art & was taught by Antonio Puma in Bath, he was a great man & I owe him a lot for inspiring me & fuelling my passion for competition.

Q: What is your all time biggest martial arts idol?
Gio: That would have to be Bruce Lee, Enter the Dragon which is my all time favourite film was ground breaking & it changed the game & how the western world perceived Chinese martial arts. He was more than just a film star though, he was a philosopher, leader, master, a Dad, an innovator & an absolute character. A truly great man, a Legend.
Q: If you had to fight one professional fighter from any style who would it be?
Gio: I’d fight Prince Naseem Hamed as he was my boxing idol growing up. His movement, showmanship, ring craft & overall flamboyant skill set were inspiring to me & something I always tried to emulate and imprint into my kickboxing style.

Q: Do you sing in the shower? If you do what is usually your choice of song?
Gio: I don’t sing in the shower but I do rap (badly) haha my girlfriend hates it when I bust out my best Eminem impressions.
Q: You work in the daytime too, what do you do for a job?
Gio: I have 3 jobs, I am a Personal Trainer at Clifton College Gym, I am Team Technician at Stage Electrics & I teach Martial Arts for Epic.

Q: What are your thoughts on world politics?
Gio: World Politics wow where do I begin lol. This year has shown that the people simply want change, With Brexit & Trump winning the votes it shows that the Western World has taken a firm anti establishment stance & movement. Whether this is for the best or not only time will tell. It’s all smoke & mirrors & propaganda so it’s very tough to know what to believe. My humble advise is to stick to researching local politics & find out the things that immediately effect you, your children & your community for the best.
Q: Where has been the best location you’ve ever fought at?
Gio: Orlando was amazing as the venue was next to Universal studios & Disney, I also love City West in Dublin but for atmosphere it would have to be the London Troxy which is where I’ve had 5 K1 fights, The combination of it being an old Theatre & the East London crowd along with the West Country barmy army who have come in their numbers (which I’m eternally grateful) to support me makes for a very loud, intense special occasion.
Q: Final Question, If you had to move abroad (other than Italy) where would it be and why?
Gio: Hong Kong as I love the Chinese culture, people & way of life.

Gio was the UCMMA bantam weight champion until September 2016, he is looking forward to see what challenges 2017 brings as he grows his personal training experience and shares his expertise on the mats by stepping up his coaching commitment.
Join us on the 23rd for coaches corner round 7!