WAKO License (1 Year)


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At EPIC Martial Arts we consider health and safety and the standard of our training facilities to be top priority. For that reason we ensure that our instructors insurance and pubic liability cover at all venues is fully comprehensive and our staff are trained in prioritising the safety of all our students at all times.

Even though the venues and instructors are fully protected against accident and injury, where does a student stand if they are injured during training? Fortunately for us we have never had a severe occurrence but we have heard of several cases in other clubs where students have received injuries leaving them unable to work or attend school for a period of time or required costly medical treatment.

For those reasons we offer further student protection through our World Kickboxing governing body WAKO. The organisation provide a student licence that affiliates you to the most prestigious World Martial Arts governing body and protects you personally for injuries during participation in classes and competitions.

WAKO licences must be paid for online, before they can be ordered.

Please note: once your licence is ordered, it may take a few weeks to be delivered back to you by your instructor. 

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