Are you ready for your EPiC Party!
Birthday Parties
Available at epic centre of excellence, bradley stoke & epic gym, Portishead.
We understand that most children like to celebrate their birthdays with their friends and in a way that they love. Our students are very dedicated to their training and want to celebrate their special day with their coaches, and to introduce their friends to something ‘cool’!
In a session designed specifically for them, there will be some fancy kicks on the pads, lots of games and a chance for your child’s birthday to be celebrated in great environment.
What if this sounds great, but your child doesn’t currently train with us? This is absolutely no problem at all! As we said above, each party is catered to whoever is celebrating their big day! So we will have the perfect party prepared for your child on their special day.
Contact us directly for more information and prices, or fill out the booking form below.