To Infinity and Beyond!
Epic results for our students at the Infinity Martial Arts South West Championships.
Sunday 28th September 2014.
Infinity Martial Arts South West Championships, held at the ballroom of the luxurious Westland Leisure Complex Yeovil, is renowned as the South West’s premier Sports Martial Arts competition, with over 70 categories in Semi-Contact (Points fighting), Light-Contact (Continuous), Kata/Forms, Junior Teams and Adult Tag Team and includes the popular “Little Legends” categories. The competition attracts a huge amount of competitors, of all abilities, from Novice to Advanced fighter and this was no exception with a huge turn-out and a high quality of competitor across the various disciplines.
This year saw Bristol take a team of over 20 students to the event, a mix of novice and advanced students, with ages ranging from 7 to 14, to give them all experience of tournament conditions in a friendly, safe but highly competitive environment. It was a great experience and important learning curve but the team did their coaches proud not only in terms of their performances but also their conduct and behaviour and proved excellent ambassadors for their sport. Results were excellent as well, with 26 trophies won including 9 first places, an amazing haul for the team across the board. One of the coaches, Gio Marchese summed up the team’s experiences when he said-
“Great day at the South West Championships. Really proud of all the Team Bristol kids who fought. For my kids there were some brilliant performances for some and a good learning curve and experience for others! Happy coach!”
Hayden Challenger: 2x 2nd Place Pearce Cruse: 1st Place
Seb Gregory: 2nd Place Brooklyn Meachin: 1st Team
Jacob Gregory: 3rd Place Bobby Cornish: 2nd Place
Freya Harding: 2nd Place Amy Kingscott: 4th Place
Connor Groome: Jack Williams:
Rocco Greenwood: Dean Andrews:
Harrison Doyle: 3rd Place Ellie Doyle: 3rd Place
Teia Doyle: 1st Place Rio Williams: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place
Oliver Hardy: Mckenzie Rawlings: 2nd & 1st Place
Sonney Rawlings: 1st Place and 1st Place Team
Craig Hutchinson: 2nd Place x 2, 1st Place Team
Harvey Tyler: 1st Place, 2nd Place and 2x 3rd Place